AI Assistant
ClickAI integrates AI assistant features that help users automate daily tasks, optimize workflows, and improve work productivity.
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ClickAI integrates AI assistant features that help users automate daily tasks, optimize workflows, and improve work productivity.
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After logging in, the first interface you will see is the AI assistants. The AI assistants are built on many topics such as Advertising Writing, Education - Training, Business, ...
AI Assistant is a feature developed to support users in about 40 different career fields. The AI Assistant interface includes many chatbots, each chatbot is designed for a specific topic.
To use AI Assistant, users need to perform the following steps:
● Choose the chatbot that suits your needs: For example, if you want to do keyword research, you can choose the chatbot "SEO Keyword Research Tools" in topic "Copywriting".
● Enter prompt: After selecting the chatbot, the user enters a prompt describing his request.
● Choose Enter: The AI assistant will process the prompt and return the result.
For example, to research a website's keywords, a user can type in the command "Research the following website's keywords:" and include the website's link. The AI assistant will access the website and return a list of the website's main keywords.