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Last updated
You need to be a member of the community to create a post!!
To create a post, follow the instructions below.
Step 1 : Click "Writing something..."
Step 2: Enter the title and content you would like to share.
Step 3: Click on "File" to select thumbnail for post.
Step 4: Seclect picture and click "Open".
Step 5: Click "Post" and wait for the community owner to approve your post.
Case 1: When the post has not been approved
Srep 1: Click "View"
Step2: Click"Edit" to edit the post
Step 3: After editting the post, click "Save".
Click "Delete" button
Click "OK" to delete the post.
Case 2: When the post has been approved
Click on the three dots icon in the right corner of the post to perform tasks related to the post.
Add to Featured: After Click on "Add to Featured", the post has been pinned to the Featured section of the community.
+, Click on "Remove from highlight" to remove the post from Featured.
+, This function can only be used by community owners to pin posts.
Edit post: After the user edits the post content, click "Save" to save the edited post.
Save article: This function helps users save their favorite articles to read later.
How to review saved posts: Click "All" => "Saved"
Turn on post notifications: When a user clicks Like, Comment or Share a post, the post owner will receive a notification.
How to view notifications: Click on the bell icon next to Avatar in the right corner of the screen.
Delete post